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Search tips / Awgrymiadau chwilio Online

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This session looks at planning your search and useful search techniques. It is suitable for anyone who is studying at Swansea University.

Can't make it? Don't worry, our MyUni Library Essentials tutorials are available for you to take at any time. The section relevant to this session is the Researching section.

This session is provided as part of a rolling programme of introductory sessions. If you can’t make this one, the same session will be running in the near future. Check the Library Skills calendar to find out more.

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Bydd y sesiwn hon yn trafod cynllunio chwiliadau a thechnegau chwilio defnyddiol. Mae'n addas i unrhyw un sy'n astudio ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe.

Methu dod? Peidiwch â phoeni, mae ein tiwtorialau Hanfodion Llyfrgell MyUni ar gael i chi eu cymryd bryd. Yr adran sy'n berthnasol i'r sesiwn hon yw'r adran Ymchwilio.

Darperir y sesiwn hon fel rhan o raglen dreigl o sesiynau rhagarweiniol. Os na allwch ddod i'r un hon, cynhelir yr un sesiwn yn y dyfodol agos. Edrychwch ar y calendr Sgiliau Llyfrgell am ragor o wybodaeth.

Monday 10 February 2025
10:30am - 11:00am
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Undergraduate / Israddedig  
  Research / Ymchwil  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Gillian Aldus
Gillian Aldus

Librarian (Faculty of Medicine, Health & Life Science) / Llyfrgellydd (Cyfadran Meddygaeth, Iechyd a Gwyddor Bywyd)