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Working Smarter / Gweithio'n Well:

Working Smarter / Gweithio'n Well: Online

Working Smarter: digital tools for researchers that can save you time  

Would like recommendations of innovative online tools and apps that will help you work more efficiently  

Research workflows and communication are being revolutionised by innovative online tools and apps that can help with organization, collaboration and productivity (see the recent “Innovations in Scholarly Communications” project, for example). This session will explore some of the tools available with personal recommendations and tips on their use. 

At the end of this session... 

You will have explored some of the tools and apps available to save you time and effort in your research:  

Organising notes and material, Developing ideas, Time management, Collaboration   

This training will be held via Zoom, you will be sent a Meeting Link prior to the event. Please ensure you register with your Swansea University email account 

Gweithio'n Well: dulliau digidol ar gyfer ymchwilwyr sy’n gallu arbed amser i chi  

Hoffech gael argymhellion ar gyfer dulliau ac apiau arloesol ar-lein a fydd yn eich helpu i weithio mewn modd mwy effeithlon  

Mae ymchwil ar lif gwaith a chyfathrebu yn cael ei drawsnewid gan ddulliau ac apiau arloesol ar-lein sy’n gallu helpu gyda gwaith trefnu, cyd-weithio a chynhyrchiant (gweler y prosiect "Innovations in Scholarly Communications", er enghraifft). Bydd y sesiwn hon yn archwilio rhai o'r dulliau sydd ar gael gydag argymhellion personol ac awgrymiadau ynglŷn â'u defnydd. 

Ar ddiwedd y sesiwn hon... 

Byddwch wedi archwilio rhai o'r dulliau ac apiau sydd ar gael er mwyn arbed amser ac ymdrech gyda'ch ymchwil:  

Trefnu nodiadau a deunydd, Datblygu syniadau, Rheoli amser, Cydweithio   

Cynhelir yr hyfforddiant hwn trwy Zoom. Anfonir Dolen y Cyfarfod atoch chi cyn y digwyddiad. Sicrhewch eich bod chi’n cofrestru gan ddefnyddio eich cyfrif e-bost prifysgol Abertawe

Wednesday 6 November 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Registration is required. There are 20 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Alasdair Montgomery
Alasdair Montgomery

Librarian (Faculty of Science and Engineering) / Llyfrgellydd (Cyfadran Gwyddoniaeth a Pheirianneg)